We create high quality Bollywood Merchandise!

Prices Merchandise

Your own unique T-shirts, bags, key chains, hoodies and much more? Tell us which products, how many pieces you want. We make your design, but always contact you by e-mail or telephone first, without obligation! After that you will receive a total price and together we start.

Organizations of most well-known Bollywood artists in Holland and abroad all choose our reliability and fast service. 

We have 2 options for you:

1. Budget

We make your merchandise. You provide the design and indicate what you need. Your own staff will do the marketing and sell in your own stand. If possible, we can realize the merchandise the same day. For this option contact us.

2. Best

We bring on board 1 of the best Hindustani designers in the Netherlands, Shounak Tewari.

We take care of the complete Bollywood Merchandise sales with a stand an make sure the marketing is done professional. It adds value to the experience of the visitors of your event, more happy faces. With this you create a media partner. Our team on the day will do the sales. The merchandise will only on day of the event. This stimulates your ticket sales! For this option contact us. 

Contact Us